        我想喜歡Sex and the City的人都不會錯過The Carrie Diaries這部電視劇,我當然也不例外。追電視劇慾望都市時,我當然也幻想過Carrie年輕的時候會是怎樣的一副模樣。我不知道現在這樣的年紀看這套劇會不會太老,但我真心喜歡這套劇,從第一眼討厭Sebastian,到後來越來越愛這看似花花公子但卻有著一顆敏銳的心的大帥哥。前陣子重看慾望都市,突然發現早前看不懂的某些元素,竟然在年齡增長后看懂了!看著四個年奔40歲卻依然漂亮性感的女人在追尋愛情,我感動了,我想這也許是當初20幾歲出頭所無法產生的共鳴。而看凱利日記,可以回想自己高中時代的生活,那些純真卻不失美好,同樣為學業、友情、愛情、親情和‘我究竟是誰’而煩惱的年代。



        No matter what you're going through,it's always better if you have people to share it with.I was lucky,i wasn't an island at all.


        很早以前就在期待凱莉日記的推出,還以為要拖到畢業之後才能看了,誰知我在決定延畢半年後的當天就開始看了這套電視劇!也許你不會相信,有人認為的芭拉劇High school musical都可以給我力量,更何況是偏文藝類的The Carrie Diaries?特此摘錄幾句讓我感動的臺詞吧!

        That's the tricky thing about labels.Once in a while,they tell us everything we need to know.But most of the time,it's only a very small part of the story.Slapping a word or two on a person can make things worse.In reality,nothing is ever as aimple as the label we give it........But the one thing that you have to remember about labels.They only matter if you let them stick.

        Sometimes the things that we love the most make us the craziest because we love them.

        That's the thing about goals.When we focus too much on our endgame,we can miss the fun of the journey.We can miss the detour that would take us somewhere even more rewarding......We likes to set goals because the give us a feeling of control.But contol is an illusion,because sometimes the earth moves,and we have to deal with wherever we end up,whether it's on solid ground or not.

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