
邁向30歲心靈物語:Never leave that till tomorrow,which you can do today——Benjamin Frankin

        今天去食堂打包時遇到了一個外國同學,去的路上開始攀談起來。這種時節,我們這種身份,當然少不了扯到論文上去。他說他論文剛寫了1萬字,聽到我的進度,開始羡慕起我來。然後我們談到了“拖延”這個問題……我們都是深受“拖延”其害的人,順理成章就聊起了這個個話題。話說,我們多麼羡慕可以每天按部就班,然後定時完成,還寫出一定水準論文的人啊!見到這樣的人,我們幾乎都把對方當神了……膜拜之後,又默默回房扮演那條“拖延蟲”的角色。說著說著,我突然想起了之前看Grey's Anatomy的情節,一個令我很印象深刻,有關“大腫瘤”的比喻。同學猛點頭說他記得,a giant tumor的畫面太震撼!(兩條拖延蟲是躲在房裡看美劇才寫不出論文的嗎?)

        A couple hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world secret of his success. 'Never leave that till tomorrow',he said,'which you can do today'.

        This is the man who discoverd electricity. You'd think more of us would listen to what he had to say.
        I dont know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection. Sometimes,the fear is just of making a decision. Because, what if you're wrong?What if you're making a mistake you can't undo?


        Whatever it is we're afraid of, one thing holds true. Tht, by the time the pain of not doing a thing gets worse than the fear of doing it, it can feel like we're carryng around a giant tumor.

        And you thought I was speaking metaphorically  
        其實這一集看起來挺有教育意義的。這裡說了一個一個從不出門的43歲女人身上長了一個將近30公斤的大腫瘤。離奇的事,她看著腫瘤一天天的長大,直到一年多以後,有天她不能呼吸有生命危險了才被逼入院。大家都在猜這個女兒究竟怎麼過活?她是不是就不怕死呢?而這個女人最後的原因也只不過害怕,害怕死亡,所以她拖得一天是一天。而最後,她死在手術臺上了。 啊,如果你怕血淋淋的畫面,那你還是別看了。

        看完這集,我給同學發了一個信息。hey,remember that!——the pain of not doing a thing gets worse than the fear of doing it, it can feel like we're carryng around a giant tumor. 如果不想在答辯當天被罵得狗血淋頭,那就努力吧!Don't thought I was speaking metaphorically,haha.(顯示為英語很爛,不能引用劇中臺詞的都用中文打,哈哈哈)
    創作者 kawaiangel 的頭像


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