

        說真的,這部戯沒有拍得特別好,劇情也沒有特別感動。就是一部可以讓人放鬆神經的輕鬆小品,我和少爺一邊看一邊大笑,快活極了。我感動得是,戯中的那一首主題曲way back into love。我一直覺得這首歌旋律爲什麽那麽熟悉?看完電影上網搜才想起原來是梁靜茹和品冠翻唱過。雖然之前我也覺得這首歌蠻好聼的,可是沒有很感動的感覺。電影的好處是,它可以帶出一首歌其中深深的韻味。

(d):i have been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
i have been living with a shadow overhead
i have been lonely for so long
trapped in the past, i just can not seem to move on

(h):i have been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
just in case i ever need them again someday
i have been setting aside time
to clear a little space in the corners of my mind

(合):all i want to do is find a way back into love
i can not make it through without a way back into love

(d):i have been watching but the stars refuse to shine
i have been searching but i just do not see the signs
i know that it is out there

there is got to be something for my soul somewhere
(h):i have been looking for someone to shed some light
not just somebody just to get me throught the night
i could use some direction
and i am open to your suggestions

(合):all i want to do is find a way back into love
i can not make it through without a way back into love
and if i open my heart again
i guess i am hoping you will be there for me in the end

(d):there are moments when i do not know if it is real
or if anybody feels the way i feel
i need inspiration
not just another negotiation

(合):all i want to do is find a way back into love
i can not make it through without a way back into love
and if i open my heart to you
i am hoping you will show me what to do
and if you help me to start again
you know that i will be there for you in the end


        感動的曲子,讓我想起了我的好朋友們。我的好友誼溱和男友終于在9月9日那天註冊了!而我的好友真也“總算”找到了真命天子,恭喜恭喜。其實,我真的很感動,很想要給他們一個很大很用力地擁抱來表達我内心的感動,我衷心地祝福,他們都可以幸福快樂。當然,還有結了婚的好友芝敏和我的同鄉死黨愛娣和志航……不管將來發生什麽事,我們要做的是find a way back into love,我們的mr.right will be there for us in the end。yeah,祝福大家,我們見面的時候再好好來“飲勝~~”。

    創作者 kawaiangel 的頭像


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